Saturday, June 22, 2013


About 6 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with a sleep apnea. Early information showed that I was in the moderate to severe range, which is unfortunate, but knowing means I can begin treatment.

While not the sexiest sounding issue, sleep apnea is not uncommon among the many sleep disorders that plague Americans. The effects are many, including high blood pressure, depression, irregular heart beats, and more. In addition, untreated sleep apnea may be responsible for poor performance in everyday activities, such as at work and school, motor vehicle crashes, and academic underachievement in children and adolescents. This is scary stuff!

After waiting a month and a half for an in-depth overnight sleep study, my appointment finally arrived.

Sexy, huh?

After taking several dental molds and getting a ton of wires glued onto my body, literally from head to ankle, I went to sleep. With a full mouth mold connected to a computerized device to alter the location of my lower jaw, and sticky electrodes everywhere, I managed to fall asleep within about half an hour. Mind over matter, I always say.

I woke up around 4am because my jaw was really sore. The mouth device had slowly and gently pulled my lower jaw so far forward, nearing the maximum distance it would go, but since it was most of a night, the masseter muscles of my jaw were just tired and hurt.

They lessened the stretch and let me go back to bed. Fortunately, the rest of the night was acceptable and the overall test seemed to go successfully. My full results will be back in about a week and therapy will be designed based on the data.

Knowledge is power. If you suspect something, even small is wrong, I recommend chatting with your doctor. Sleep disorders are no laughing matter and they affect almost every aspect of your life. My hope is to get this figured out in time for grad school.

Monday, June 17, 2013


With a summer off for the first time in decades, I want to pack in as much as I can. Currently, I'm vacationing with my parents in Lake Tahoe, which is a total treat, but I always have the itch to learn. As a long-term fan and advocate of Yoga, I have been wanting to do an intensive class for a while now.

On June 10th, I was accepted to a 1-month 200-hour Teacher Training course at Yoga Garden here in San Francisco. It'll be intense--6 days a week, full-time with only Sundays off. It will be a challenge, but I can't wait! To prepare myself best for a year abroad, I want to be fully in-tune with my body and feel able to continue my yoga practice without the guidance of a teacher. This should serve me very well for life. I just paid my full tuition, and after my little vacation with the parental units, I'll be expanding my mind, body and spirit.

Wish me luck! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Typhoid, Cipro, and Hepatitus, oh my!

Today, I picked up several immunization medications and am scheduling a shot in preparation for my trip to China. Fortunately, my medical system makes it really easy, and I've been through the process before when I went to India a few years back.

What did the doctor order?

Hep A (shot)
Typhoid (Vivotif Berna capsules)
Traveler's Diarrhea (Cipro pills + Prescription Strength Immodium only as needed)

It's less than I had to get for India, at least. Only one shot this time.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

New Chapter

Many changes are coming my way very soon. I'm terrified and excited at the same time, but fortunately the excitement wins out.

This month, I've left my job at PlayStation and am about to embark upon a new chapter in life.

I've been considering going back to school for years now. In the past, I was interested in getting my MFA in Graphic Design or Game Design, but in the recent couple years, I've become far more fascinated with the business end of the game industry. My position as a Community Manager for Sony has exposed me to many challenges, but the most difficult and satisfying one has been to sync with business leads to find an ideal solution that provides the highest amount of satisfaction for the community (make 'em happy!) while monetizing them in a way that is perceived to be a good value (also happysauce).

So I'm moving to Shanghai, China to pursue my MBA at Hult International Business School. I've already received 3 scholarships, including the Global Leadership Scholarship. In total, I've been awarded enough to cover ~77% of the tuition, and yesterday I was informed that my application for financial aid to cover the rest (plus room and board) has been approved. WHEW!

Getting a student VISA for China requires a lot of additional steps than I expect other countries do, but it's all in motion. Fortunately, the local Chinese Consulate is just down the road from me, and the school has admissions folks specifically tasked with easing this process.

So what next? I have the rest of the summer to enjoy for the first time since junior high, and I have some really cool ideas that I've been wanting to do for years now. To be continued...

This is Shanghai from Rob Whitworth on Vimeo.